Godrej Innovation & Design centre
EKHO is an indigenous brand with a correct blend of Indian craft techniques and modern contemporary design. It retains the uniqueness of hand- made products, while maintaining the quality and modern-ness of industrial products. EKHO products are meaningful, contextual and high on functionality. EKHO product range seeks inspiration from India and redefines it in modern context giving user a holistic experience.
Strategic Research
We approached the project starting with research in two areas : User research & Material study.
An in-depth research was conducted with the users across two cities in India - Delhi & Mumbai. The target users were explorative, young with a desire to express themselves.We focused on Indian youth and their lifestyle choices including their everyday lives, activities they indulge in, products they use and their value perception about craft. A material research was conducted by exploring different regions and various crafts across India. Material study was pivotal because we wanted to understand the usage of vernacular materials and their application for product development by craftsman. The craft exploration was done with the craftsman at his workshop, this helped us understand the process step-wise from start to end.
EKHO products are conceptualised keeping the context in mind. The products are meaningful, contextual and high on functionality. They are combination of industrial plus vernacular materials; an over-arching curve of Indian ethos.
Tapri and Farsaān are products based on the ritual of tea drinking in India. Tapri in colloquial Mumbai language means a shanty stall strategically situated at the corner of a street serving chai and snacks. It is host to a variety of conversations that make the Tapri memorable. Chai is often accompanied with khari, a simple flaky puff pastry bite. The The intent is to recreate the experience of the tapri at home, for those memorable tea parties with friends. The range consists of a circular brass tray, a double spouted ceramic teapot, set of six kulhars and a ceramic ‘quarter’ snack plate. Farsaān in Gujarati and Marathi, is a collective term used for a type of snack. Usually, Indian snacks are served with chutney or raita; a unique kind of dip which compliments the texture of the snack. The product is designed as a versatile platter to serve small bites with dips when friends are over for a relaxed evening.
Thāal in Hindi means a large flat plate or dish of metal, usually made of brass or bell metal. Traditionally,the food was served in utensils made of different materials like gold, silver, brass, iron, bronze, and wood. According to Ayurveda, each material is believed to have an effect on balancing the three constituting elements of our bodies, namely Vāata, Kapha and Pitta. The appropriate use of material and the details in the design enrich the experience of eating and takes you one step closer to a healthy meal.
As a brand, EKHO is firmly rooted in Indian ethos, philosophies and traditions, mindful to the needs of the times we live in. The identity resonates the same ethos; to connect different forms together for a meaningful expression. It represents bold approach of the brand to bring contrasting elements together like the industrial process and the craft process, modern day living with vernacular materials and so on. The identity can be easily translated on different mediums through various process. EKHO as a brand is a platform to build communities for artisans, users and designers to create business and social impact. The communication captures Indian ethos to nurture diverse communities and foster strong bonds.